About Lunaven

It was by wanting to combine my love for yarn to my passion for k-pop and anime that Lunaven was born. It's a place that I imagined and built as a haven for all those who, like me, want to bring home a subtle and original touch of their passions. Some merch yes, but very gentle and delicate, with handmade embroidery and crochet creations, which make room for interpretation and daydreaming.

Everything is imagined, designed and handcrafted by myself, among my plants and my beloved cat. I hope that my creations will resonate within you, and that they will find a warm place in your heart and your home.

Lise 🌙💜

Lunaven, what does that mean?

Lunaven is the contraction of the words Luna + Haven .

Luna for the moon, a star that is dear to me, but also Luna , Sailor Moon's cat who guides and comforts her.
Haven for what means, the refuge, where one feels good, a "safe place", but also Haven , one of my favorite songs by Stray Kids, the group which inspires a good part of my creations.